The Dukes - Babywearingphotography

Berlin based Photographers

London Sling Company – Voronoi Identity Crisis

London Sling Company Voronoi Identity Crisis is made of 100% organic egyptian cotton.

London Sling Company is a pretty new brand run by Tahira Faye and I am following her on Instagram for a long time now. I saw the first photos of Voronoi Scandiun there and was very intrigued by the blend and colours. Just the design never catched me until her second pattern Ariadne was released. At thistime I was already so curious about these wraps that I asked Tahira if she wants to think about a cooperation with us and I am really happy that the answer was “yes”.
She sent me a new wrap that will be released soon, called “Identiy Crisis”. I am very glad that I could have a look at this pattern in real life because I like it much more now. Voronoi is a special type of diagrams in biology, meteorolgy or architecture and I like it how this mathematical pattern is transfered to a wrap design. It is still not my favourite one but I like the simple and classic geometric lines. The colour of this one is very hard to describe. The threads are definitely blue and yellow but depending on the light it can also look lime green or grey. This wrap is a true chamealeon! I really like this shade of blue, it’s soft and just beautiful. I am not sure about the yellow yet but the more I use it the more I like this extravagant and edgy contrast. I think the colours totally reflect the name beause it is something different, something that maybe not everyone will like but which has a subtle crazyness and is just interesting.


A very nice thing about this wrap is the shimmer and the wrapping qualities. It is an allcotton wrap but the fibres shine like there would be silk in in it. It feels very soft in hand and doesn’t need any breaking in. From the first use I was in love. I tried it in a Front Wrap Cross Carry first for bedtime and our little son began to smile while he was sleeping. So I think he felt very comfortable. And so did I.
It wrapes itself, is smooth and very easy to wrap with. The pattern gives it a little grip but not very much so you don’t need to do a body workout to tighten it. A Robin’s Hip Carry is a real pleasure because it glides through the loop without any resistance. I had our toddler in this single layer carry and it felt great! A little bit later that day I wrapped him in a Double Hammock and carried him home for more than half an hour. The wrap didn’t sag or dig on my shoulders. The knot stayed in place although it’s pretty big.
London Sling Company wraps are neither narrow or super wide, they come with a width around 65cm what makes it easy to handle for everyone. Identity Crisis is suitable from newborn to toddler and can also be recommended for beginners.
This LSC wrap has a stunning quality and I am absolutely convinced that this new brand is one of the big rising stars at the wrap sky this year.















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Thema von Anders Norén

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