The Dukes - Babywearingphotography

Berlin based Photographers

Mo Dream – Deep Love

Mo Dream Deep Love is made of 100% mercerised bio cotton, heart weave, bordeaux weft.

December 2014
Wrapee: 21months, around 10kg

I have discovered the world of handwoven wraps recently and tried a lot since then. I already had Uppymama, some Lemon Looms, Oolaloom and some others in my hands but this Mo dream wrap was the first one with a heartweave. It came to me already washed so that I could start wrapping right out of the box. I was really excited when I opened the package ‚cause this was the most valuable wrap I ever tested and I have to admit that I was a little bit nerveous, too.


It was a size 5, so I tried a kangaroo first. I don’t know why I did this beause I normally hate (!) the kangaroo carry and I was never able to get it tight and comfortable. But with this wraps it was perfect! I got my very first acceptable kangeroo! In the next two weeks I also wrapped the front wrap cross carry, a simple ruck and a double hammock with different finishes. I wrapped it in the house over a shirt and also outsite over the jacket.

As I don’t have much experience with other heartweave handwovens I can’t compare the thickness to others. It wasn’t really thick but very heavy. The weave was very closely and dense and the craft was accurate. It was lovely to look at this perfect work and I can’t imagine that a human did this so evenly. The hearts had a nice shape and the whole wrap had a lot of shimmer. The mercerised cotton made it reflect in the light so that it looked different every time. My favourite part was the purple one, it harmonized beautiful with the bordeaux red of the weft. I think, it could be liable for flaws but with such a wrap you are very careful anyway 😉

After a week I didn’t feel that the wrap got much softer so I washed and ironed it again and with every wearing it became a little bit softer. Normally I’m not very patient with breaking in wraps so I wished that this would be softer from the beginning. I think, it is a perfect wrap for toddlers or bigger babies but me personally wouldn’t recommend it for newborns. But I have to say that I’m concerning softness very spoiled by the Woven Wings Merino wraps.


This wrap had a lot of structure and grip through the heartweave. It didn’t glide as I know it from the machine wovens so it was a little bit work for me to tighten it but I think for an experienced handwoven fan it isn’t any problem. But the great thing was: when you had it in place, it didn’t move at all. It was very comfortable on the shoulders, wasn’t diggy und had a lot of support. One layer carriers were no problem with our toddler. He didn’t sag, even after a long walk in a simple ruck.
Mo dreams are not super wide or narrow, just a normal wrap with around 70cm.

It was really hard for me to let this beauty go, I think it is perfect handcraft and I am convinced that this wrap is worth it’s prize. It is high quality wrapping experience and it was a pleasant feeling every single time I used it.





















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Thema von Anders Norén

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