The Dukes - Babywearingphotography

Berlin based Photographers

Review – Wauggl Bauggl Kapok

Malaika Helianthus
69% KbA organic softcombed cotton
19% GOTS kba combed cotton
12% soft natural kapok undyed

69% kbA organic cotton
19% GOTS KbA organic combed longstaple cotton
12% soft natural kapok undyed

46% KbA organic softcombed cotton
41 % kba organic cotton
7% soft natural kapok undyed
6% silk

This review is about three pretty similar wraps from Wauggl Bauggl. I never tried kapok before so it was a very nice experience to test in in different combinations. While the blue and white Mystery and the green and yellow Malaika contain just kapok and cotton, the Pearls also have a little amount of silk. But let me tell you something about kapok first.


Kapok is a hollow fiber of the kapok tree, which grows in the tropic areas of Indonesia, Java, Malaysia, Western Africa, Northern Southamerica and the Carribean. It’s made of the long fibers of the fruits and is smooth and light weighed. Most of the kapok trees are growing wild, not monocultured on plantations. So there is no need for using fertilizer or pesticide and no chemical processes to make the fiber usable. One tree can give 20kg of fibers every year so this is very interesting material regarding ecology and sustainability as long as it’s bought under fair conditions. Like Wauggl Bauggl does.

Okay, back to the wraps. They are all three on the thinner side and have a high amount of stretch. Although you can feel the dense triweave which makes it very mouldable and a little fluffy. They are amazingly soft and give you a cool feeling on your skin. It was a great time to test them now because it is a hot summer and wrapping is often a very sweaty thing.

I first wrapped the Pearls with our 3 years old todller. Because I didnt‘ know the wrap I went for a double hammock. Honestly I was sceptical if this would be comfortable for a longer walk. But it was easy to wrap with it and as soon as I had it in place, it didn’t move or sag. I had him up for more than an hour! Usually we only have short time of babywearing with him so this was very special. For both of us. We enjoyed the walk, took some photos and had a lot of fun. I didn’t have to retighten it and it didn’t feel uncomfotable in any moment. It was awesome! It has a little bounce which I think is great for a bigger child so there is no digging into shoulders or knees. I can totally recommend this for a whole babywearing time, from newborn to toddler.

In the next days I wrapped a lot with the other two wraps and tried them with our 6 months old son. They are thinner than the Pearls but with the same stretch and coolness. For me it was a little difficult to tighten because of the stretch and our wiggling baby who always leans on one side. So it took me a little time to get everything in place. Sometimes I needed to retighten it after a few minutes but then it was very comfortable. They all have a nice amount of cush, lay good on the shoulders and don’t dig at all. I really like the softness and that it’s not getting that warm in them.

I read that kapok is also temperature regulating, so I would be really curious how it feels in winter, when it’s cold outside. Now I would say it is an amazing summer wrap. It’s an easy care fabric and I think beginners and advanced babywearer would be very happy with this. If you have a heavier child my personal favourite would be the blend with the little bit of silk for extra strength and support. But in more layer carries Mystery and Malaika would also be a good choice.

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Thema von Anders Norén

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